How do I...

Place an order?

The ordering process

You will need ONE of the following:

  • The file you downloaded from the online portal, (instructions on how to locate and retrieve them can be found below)


  • The approval email from the state (forward that to 


  • A scanned image of your ID card (guide for scanning can be found below)


  • A file or scan of whatever you would like printed if other than a NJ firearms related card. 

    From the shop page, select the type of ID card(s) you would like to order. 

    Select which card thickness you would like: 


    Select the blue "upload file(s)" button directly above the add to cart button, and add the files you would like to have printed from your computer, device, dropbox, google drive, etc.

    Once you upload a file, you will see the filename and either the adobe logo if you uploaded a PDF or a thumbnail of your image if you uploaded a scanned image. 

    Once you have uploaded your file(s) select the quantity and hit the black "Add to cart" button. 

    You can then go to your cart, and you will see the file(s) there as well. 

    You can either continue shopping or checkout at this point.

    You will receive an order confirmation email - check your spam or junk folder if you don't see it after a few minutes.  Once your order is complete, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a USPS tracking number. 

    Set up my scanner to get the best print possible?

    Scanner Settings

    Following this guide will result in the best print possible. 

    Since there are so many different scanners and an array of software we can not tell you exactly how to change your specific settings on your computer. They are typically generic and should be easy to find. Look for a gear icon or something that says settings, scanner properties, etc.

    • Quality / DPI: Increase this number or setting to medium or high. If it asks for a specific number, anything 300 DPI or above is ideal. 
    • Document type: Photo will always produce the best results for printing. (not text, receipt, or document)
    • File type: JPEG or PNG
    • Turn off OCR settings. If you don't see an option for this, usually changing the document type to photo will automatically turn it off.

    If your card is curved from being in your wallet or has lamination that is peeling at the corners, gently press on the lid of the scanner to make your card completely flat against the glass to eliminate blurry spots. 
    Do not worry about the NJ state seal in the center or the color of the card.  They rarely show up well on a scanned image, we will take care of that on our end.
    You can upload the image(s) on the order page or email it to us at

    Skewing, blurry spots, reflections, shadows, shading, are a few reasons why regular photos are not good for printing cards.  

    If you need further help or have any questions send us an email at


    Retrieve my NJ firearms ID (FID) card file?

    NJ firearms ID card (FID) file retrieval instructions. 

    The easiest option would be to forward us the approval email from the state along with your date of birth (for FID cards only) and we will take care of the rest.

    To search for the approval email, "" is the address they are sent from.

    The state only keeps your FID card accessible online for one year after date of issue. However, a new card is issued every time you get approved for a purchase permit and is available for one year after that.

    If you cannot access the files or have a yellow card, you will have to scan your physical card on a scanner or scanner app. Instructions for that can be found below. 

    1. Locate and open the approval email from The subject of the email will be 'Firearms Application Approved'
    2. In the body of the email you will see a link that looks like this: 
    3. Click on the word "here" and you will then see the following screen where you will have to type in your last name and date of birth. The access key will already be filled in. Select the human verification box, then select 'CONTINUE'

        4. You will then be brought to a different page that looks like this:  

         5. Click on the 'Download Electronic Firearms ID Card' button. That will download your FID card into your computer's download folder.
    The file will be named, "ElectronicFirearmsIdCard.pdf"

         6. You can locate this file in your downloads folder or search the filename above. 

         7. Once you locate the file you can upload it on the product page when you order. 

    Retrieve my NJ permit to carry (PTC) file?


    The easiest option would be to forward us the approval email from the state and we will take care of the rest.

    To search for the email, "" is the address they are sent from.

    The subject line will read:  "Your NJ Concealed Carry Permit Application has been Approved" 

         1.  Once you locate and open the approval email, you will see a link that begins with ""

          2.  Once you click on that link it will bring you to this page. The email address and access key will already be filled in. You will have to verify you are a human by clicking the box that says I'm not a robot. Then click on the green "Fetch Document" button. 

         3.  You will then be brought to this page. Clicking "Download Permit" will download the permit onto your computer or device. 

        4.  You'll have to locate your downloads folder on your computer or device and upload it or email it to us. The filename will look like this:  "Permit_123456.pdf"

    Retrieve my NJ SORA ID card?

    NJ SORA card file retrieval instructions:

    If you do not know your username or password for the NJSP portal you can reset it here

    If you do know your username and password, login here

    Click on "returning sora applicant" 

    Click "ok" to the message telling you to use a computer. 

    Enter your login information and select "next".

    Select 'renewal ID card" on the bottom right. 

    A new window will open containing an image of your card. Select the download icon, this will download the file onto your computer. The filename will be either "SORA_FILE" or "SORA_LETTER". It will be in your downloads folder as a PDF file, that is what you need to upload or email to us. 

    Retrieve my NRA Instructor wallet card file?

    NRA Instructor Wallet Card Retrieval Instructions

    1. Login to the NRA instructor portal HERE
    2. Locate the gray box on the left hand side of the home page and select 'PRINT YOUR ID CARD'

         3.  Select the Download and Print Box at the bottom of the page. Or the Download icon at the top of the page. 

    4. Alternatively, you can email the file directly to us at 

    If you downloaded the file locate it on your computer or device and email it to us at or upload it when placing your order. 


    Still have questions?

    Visit our FAQ page or send us an email!